The Chronicles of Manessestrasse

The last couple of days have been a mixture of things; working on research, figuring out our new schedule, running errands, cooking and exploring Zurich. The scenery around here is beautiful. You can see the Alps in the distance with their jagged snow caped peaks and the signs of fall are everywhere; The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, the light is softer, you can see your breath during the afternoon and everyone is bundling up. I am so happy to be here.

Here are some pictures of what I have been up too the last few days. 

We have seen a few unusual street performers here. A pair of Alp horn players and the most awesome bagpipe player ever. He is by far the most enthusiastic bagpipe player I have ever seen in my life. Click here and watch this guy. The best.

Tom took some awesome impromptu engagement pictures

Google Zurich

The running track where I go for my morning jog

Since it has been cold, I made potato leek soup
for dinner this week
 (Alton Brown for the win)

Walking around town

Fall colors

The view of the Alps from our apartment


  1. Anonymous said...
    I enjoyed the pictures - I grew up on Manessestrasse, right across the street from the track you jog on. Thank you!



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