Well, in this case, trains. ROME! Such a cool city. Within a very short period of time, Duane and I both gravitated to the city and the vibe.
We set down our bags in our apartment and set off for the afternoon. Immediately after we crossed the Tiber River, in a small square there was a man who was blowing bubbled for children so we let Gray play. I think it was probably the highlight of his trip. Endless giggles, squeals of delight, and ear to ear smiles.
After dragging G away. We hiked up Gianicolo Park - the eighth hill of Rome - for some of the best views in the city.
Tuesday, we took a free tour and learned a bit more about the cities history.
Tiber River....also, the original height of Rome |
Castel Sant'Angelo |
Pantheon, the temple of every god, is a former Roman temple from 126 AD (no big deal or anything), and is now a church and is is one of the best-preserved of all Ancient Roman buildings. |
Trevi Fountain |
Note the sleeping toddler on my back |
Piazza Navona |
Lucky for us, we are a stones throw away from the famous Campo de’ Fiori market with endless goodies.
Spanish Steps |
It's been fun Italy. Now back to CA for a carb detox.
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