Our last weekend to explore Europe. Off to Geneva!

When we were planning our trip to Europe, I kept asking Duane, "Is there anything YOU would like to do or see?", but he could never think of anything and was happy with what I was planning thus far. But on July 4th, CERN researchers released their findings that they found evidence that the Higgs Boson actually existed, giving Duane the idea that we should visit! Done and done. I promptly did the research and booked us a free English guided tour for Saturday November 10th at 10:30 am. 

Admittedly, I have never taken a class on Physics (Blasphemy, I know. It just wasn't apart of the Psychology curriculum). BUT I feel like visiting CERN will make up for it.... right? Stay tuned for all of the physics nerdiness that I am about to learn!

To hold you over until my next post, here are some crazy things I have found in Zurich the past week.

A Giraffe Lamp Post

No idea. Please note, this is no where near a school...
it's in a business park....
Did you know that the Abombidal Snowman likes cashmere?
Me either.
Again, no clue. I secretly hope that it is a really cool fire escape
Switzerland reaaaalllly likes Christmas. Almost all of the
stores down town are decorated already. I guess they didn't
get the "not until December memo".
Off to Geneva, Switzerland!


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