
Showing posts from July, 2012

60 days

60 day until I do some of this... And buy/wear one of these... Traditional Dirndl


After a year and some change, I finally received this in the mail yesterday.  Just in time for some European traveling. Ich bin offiziell ein Deutscher!

A Transportation Conundrum

The next item on the "to do" list is figuring out how we are going to get from A to B. Some of the options are obvious, Zurich to Munich you take a train, but what about from Munich to Paris? And thus, my next Google search begins. $500. It absolutely amazes me how much airlines will charge to travel 425 miles ONE WAY. Now to put this in perspective for you I did some additional research. From San Francisco to San Diego it is 459 miles, almost equidistant to Munich to Paris. Prices for a one way ticket? $75. I know it is not international so lets look up another example. Philadelphia to Montreal, 448 miles. $331. I am just floored. I don't know how these European airlines sleep at night. What "cheap" flights you can get from 3rd party airlines are have so many bad reviews that I don't know if I even want to take a chance, fearing I will be stranded or have to dispute a claim. Essentially, the goal is to avoid any possible resemblance of my last "adv...