
Showing posts from January, 2015

Places to Add to the Bucket List

52 Places to Go in 2015 I have only been to 5... I've got a lot of work to do. 4. Yellowstone National Park 15. Burgundy, France 16. Lower Manhattan, New York 19. Steamboat Springs, Colorado 30. Bend, Oregon

With the New Year, Comes New Changes

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind; holiday parties, family, Christmas, New Years, my birthday, and Paso. And we still have a southern California wedding and 2 weeks in Zurich and then a week after we get back from that we are off to Thailand for 2 weeks....wait what was that middle one? Switzerland? Again? Well, I was offered a new job and due to the holidays, and the Thailand trip, they asked me to start in March. Conveniently, Duane already had a work trip planned for early February, so he suggested I come. This is the second time that my job ending and a trip to Europe coincided, and I am really just loving it! There are so many events that have happened since we left, marriages, recent birth of many friends babies, that I can't wait to get back and visit them all. I really don't know what I did in a past life to be so lucky, but I am grateful for every moment of it.