Getting all of the apartment ducks in a row

After hours of searching and combing through apartment websites, we have secured and/or placed the deposits for our apartments in Munich, Paris, Lyon and Zurich. YAY! Munich My wonderful friend has generously offered our group his apartment while we are staying in Munich. His apartment is in the Schwabing district and close to the Olympic Park and the famous BMW headquarters. Paris We booked an apartment on the boarder of the 1st and 4th Arrondissement in the heart of historical Right Bank district of le Marais, french for "The Marsh". Marais is a fashionable district, home to many trendy restaurants, fashion houses, and hype galleries. The neighborhood, particularly the street we are staying on, is known for their gay community and has many cafés, nightclubs, cabarets and shops. I didn't know this when I booked it, but all I have to say is, you can take the girl out of San Francisco, but you can't take the San Francisco out of the girl. It's like a ...